Weather 20 articles
Climate and weather Puca Pucara
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Climate and weather forecast in Puca Pucara

Puca Pucara is an Inca complex located within the Sacsayhuaman Archaeological Park, very close to Tambomachay. The “Red Fortress” is located 7 km northeast of the city of Cusco, at an altitude of 3580 meters above sea level, built on an elevation, and with an environment typical of the Peruvian Andes. The climate is similar to that of the entire Cusco area, presenting the two typical seasons of the Andean highlands. The rainy season is between October and March, with intense rainfall during the months of January and February. The average temperature varies between 10° and 12°. The winter season takes place between April and September, as Puca Pucara is built in an open area, the night and morning cold typical of the frost season makes temperatures drop drastically below zero degrees; during the day the clear sky allows the sun to shine brightly making the temperature reach up to 22 degrees, this feature makes the landscape becomes very dry with a pale yellow tone typical of the Andes.

How is the weather in Pisac?

Perú, Puca Pucara

Salida del sol

Entrada del sol
Data of the moon
  • Direction of the wind
  • Wind speed
  • Wind degrees
  • Humidity relative
  • UV index

Perú, Puca Pucara

Hourly Forecast chart (Temperature)

Hourly Forecast chart (Chance of Rain, Cloudiness)

  • level clouds
  • Chance of Rain

prediction table by hours (speed and direction of the wind)

Perú, Puca Pucara

  • Direction of the wind :
  • Wind speed :
  • Wind degrees :
  • Humidity relative :
  • Chance of Rain :

  • Direction of the wind :
  • Wind speed :
  • Wind degrees :
  • Humidity relative :
  • Chance of Rain :

  • Direction of the wind :
  • Wind speed :
  • Wind degrees :
  • Humidity relative :
  • Chance of Rain :

Perú, Puca Pucara

Chance of Rain

  • Direction of the wind
  • Wind speed
  • Wind degrees
  • Humidity relative

Perú, Puca Pucara

DayDescriptionMax./MinChance of RainHumidityDirection of the windWind speed