Machu Picchu Ticket 143 articles
Ticket Machu Picchu + Intipunku
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Ticket Machu Picchu + Intipunku: all information

The Machu Picchu plus Intipunku ticket is the new tourist route offered to visitors of all ages in the Inca city. This little known Inca construction was the gateway to the llaqta in Inca times. Today it offers a first panoramic view of the whole place. It can be visited through the Inca Trail or by purchasing the Machu Picchu plus Intipunku entrance ticket. What are the visiting hours and what does this new ticket offer? Learn more about this entrance to Machu Picchu!

View of Machu Picchu from Intipunku
View of Machu Picchu from Intipunku

The Inca Trail and the visit to Intipunku
The Inca Trail is a trekking route that includes visits to Inca citadels as well as Machu Picchu. As its name suggests, it follows the Inca trails, also called qhapac ñan. It includes visits to Inca constructions such as Llactapata, Sayacmarca, Phuyupatamarca, Wiñayhuayna and more. At the end you enter Machu Picchu, just as the Incas did, that is, through the Intipunku, the Sun Gate. From there you have the first view of the archaeological site, a magical experience that even brings tears to the eyes of some visitors.

The Intipunku, the Sun Gate of Machu Picchu

The Intipunku is the sun gate of Machu Picchu, the control point for the entrance and exit of people during the Tahuantinsuyo empire.

It was built approximately in 1450 A.D. by orders of Emperor Pachacutec (1418 – 1471 A.D.). It has stone walls to control the transit of people. In addition, there are niches where the Incas placed liturgical objects for the worship of their gods.

Inti means ‘sun’ and punku means ‘door’. In other words, the site is called ‘Puerta del sol’ (Gate of the sun). During the mornings, the first rays of the sun fall on its stone structures. In addition, from there you have a beautiful panoramic view of the entire Inca citadel.

There are only two ways to reach Intipunku, all on foot. The first is through the Inca Trail, either in its two or four day version. In both you reach Machu Picchu through the qhapac ñan or Inca trails until you arrive at Intipunku. The second is choosing the ticket ‘Machupicchu with Intipunku’. This ticket allows you to ascend from the Inca city, through a stretch of almost 2 kilometers of qhapac ñan, until arriving at the Sun Gate.

Tourists at Intipunku (Sun Gate)
Tourists at Intipunku (Sun Gate)

The ticket Machu Picchu + Intipunku

The Machu Picchu with Intipunku ticket allows access to the Inca citadel through circuit 1 and also allows you to hike to the ‘Sun Gate’, from where you have a beautiful panoramic view of Machu Picchu.

Circuit 1 through Machu Picchu is the shortest route, but with the best views (and photographs) in the Inca citadel. It includes the ascent by the stone stairs until arriving at the House of the Guardian, also called the House of the Watchman. There you have the best views of the archaeological site and its Inca constructions. It is also there where you can get the classic photos of the visit to Machu Picchu. The maximum visiting time allowed is two hours, from the time of entry.

The visit to Intipunku is allowed for people of all ages, but only during the high tourist season: from June 1 to October 15. The hike takes about 1 hour. The maximum visiting time allowed is two hours. The Intipunku can be done as a family because this stretch of Inca trails is wide and does not represent any danger.

The Machu Picchu with Intipunku ticket offers discounts for people under 18 years old, university visitors (under 25 years old), as well as for tourists from the Andean Community of Nations: Peru, Colombia, Ecuador or Bolivia.

Due to the high demand for tickets, it is recommended to purchase online 2 or 3 months in advance.

Entrance to Machu Picchu with Intipunku
Entrance to Machu PicchuForeignersPeru, Colombia, Ecuador or Bolivia
Adults in general152 S/.64 S/.
University students77 S/.32 S/.
Under 18 years of age70 S/.32 S/.

Ticket Machu Picchu + Intipunku Schedule

The Machu Picchu with Intipunku ticket offers four entrance times for approximately fifty visitors for each time slot. This ticket offers an entrance time limit of 45 minutes. That is to say, if the ticket indicates that the entrance is at 8 am, the tourist can arrive until 8.45 am at the latest. There is no time limit for entering the Intipunku checkpoint, but it is recommended to do so up to two hours later. This way the visitor will be able to complete a maximum visit of four hours, which is the time limit allowed by this ticket.

Machupicchu ticket schedule with Intipunku (entrance from 8 am to 12 am):

  • Group 1. Entrance to Machupicchu is from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
  • Group 2. Entrance to Machupicchu is from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
  • Group 3. Entrance to Machupicchu is from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
  • Group 4. Entrance to Machupicchu is from 11 a.m. to 12 a.m.

Ticket Availability of the Machu Picchu + Intipunku

Check ticket availability in real time for the Machupicchu ticket with Intipunku (Intipunku can be visited from June 1 to October 15).

Differences and similarities between the Machu Picchu + Intipunku ticket and other Machu Picchu tickets

The Machu Picchu with Intipunku ticket is one of the ten tickets available to visit Machu Picchu. Know what are the other tickets and what are their similarities and differences with respect to the ticket that allows the visit to Intipunku:

Machu PicchuTicket Machupicchu + IntipunkuTicket Machupicchu + Huayna PicchuTicket Machupicchu + MountainTicket Machupicchu + Inca BridgeTicket Machupicchu + Temple of the MoonTicket Machupicchu + Huchuy PicchuTicket Machupicchu classicTicket Machupicchu classic lower terraceTicket Machupicchu Lower templesTicket Machupicchu classic photo
CircuitCircuit 1Circuit 3Circuit 1Circuit 1Circuit 3Circuit 3Circuit 2Circuit 2Circuit 3Circuit 1
PhotoClassic PhotoClassic photo in the agricultural sectorClassic PhotoClassic PhotoClassic photo in the agricultural sectorClassic photo in the agricultural sectorClassic PhotoClassic PhotoClassic photo in the agricultural sectorClassic Photo
Suitable for all agesVisiting time of 5 hoursSuitable for all agesVisiting time of 4 hoursVisiting time of 6 hoursVisiting time of 4 hoursSuitable for all agesSuitable for all agesSuitable for all agesSuitable for all ages
DesventajaOpen from June 1 through October 15It does not include the visit to the archaeological siteIt does not include the visit to the archaeological siteOpen from June 1 through October 15Open from June 1 through October 15Open from June 1 through October 15Does not include any additional trekkingDoes not include any additional trekkingDoes not include any additional trekkingIt does not include the visit to the archaeological site
Price152 S/.200 S/.200 S/.152 S/.200 S/.152 S/.152 S/.152 S/.152 S/.152 S/.

Circuit 1 in Machu Picchu
The Machupicchu with Intipunku ticket allows you to visit the Inca city through the circuit 1. From there you can get the most famous classic photo of Machu Picchu. It also allows an almost complete view of the archaeological site and its main stone constructions, such as the Main Temple, the Intihuatana, the agricultural area, the sacred area and more. Note that this ticket does not allow walking through the archaeological site, only a panoramic view, which is recommended to be complemented with the company of a professional tour guide. The circuit can be done in approximately 1 hour. The ticket allows a maximum visiting time of 2 hours from the entrance to Machu Picchu. It is suitable for visitors of any age.

Tips for visiting Intipunku

  • This ticket is available for people of any age. The hike is not as difficult as the routes to the peaks of Huayna Picchu or Machu Picchu Mountain. However, it can be strenuous for a visitor not used to hiking. On average it takes 1 hour or a little more to reach the top. It is recommended to bring sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, mosquito repellent, hiking shoes and a backpack with what you need such as an extra change of clothes.
  • The purchase of the Machu Picchu ticket with Intipunku can be done throughout the year, although this tourist attraction is only open from June 1 to October 15. In any case, it is recommended to make the purchase 1 or 2 months in advance. Otherwise you run the risk of not finding availability. The last option is to buy a ticket in the town of Aguas Calientes one day before. In this town there are a few tickets available for purchase in person.
On the way to Machu Picchu from Intipunku
On the way to Machu Picchu from Intipunku

Questions and answers about the Machu Picchu + Intipunku ticket

  • 1) Is the Machu Picchu with Intipunku ticket suitable for people of all ages?

    Yes, this ticket offers the hike to Intipunku. Access to this trekking route is suitable for people of all ages, including children. This is because the route is wide and safe for everyone. However, it is recommended to keep a close eye on children.

  • 2) How much does the Machu Picchu ticket with Intipunku cost?

    This ticket is one of the cheapest in Machu Picchu as it costs 152 Peruvian soles for foreign adults and 64 soles for adults from Peru, Colombia, Ecuador or Bolivia. In addition, there are discounts for university students or citizens under 18 years old.

  • 3) What are the available schedules for the Machu Picchu ticket with Intipunku?

    The ticket offers up to four entrance times each day.

    • Schedule 3. Entrance to Machupicchu is from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
    • Schedule 3. Entrance to Machupicchu is from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
    • Schedule 3. Entrance to Machupicchu is from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
    • Schedule 3. Entrance to Machupicchu is from 11 a.m. to 12 a.m.

  • 4) Can I visit Intipunku all year round?

    No, the Intipunku trekking route is only available during the high tourist season in Machu Picchu: from June 1 to October 15.

  • 5) What are the discounts offered by the Machu Picchu ticket with Intipunku?

    This ticket offers three types of discounts: to citizens under 18 years old, to undergraduate university students and under 25 years old (with valid university ID), as well as for tourists from Peru, Colombia, Ecuador or Bolivia.

  • 6) How high is the Intipunku of Machu Picchu?

    The Intipunku (Sun Gate) is located at 2,745 meters above sea level.

  • 7) What is the best time to visit Machu Picchu Intipunku?

    The four entrance hours are ideal to visit Machu Picchu and Intipunku. However, most visitors prefer the first entrance time: at 8 am. This avoids the midday heat during the hike to Intipunku.

  • 8) How far in advance should I buy the Machu Picchu ticket with Intipunku?

    It is recommended to buy this ticket online 1 or 2 months in advance. Otherwise you run the risk of not finding current availability.

  • 9) How to purchase the Machu Picchu ticket with Intipunku?

    The purchase is made online through the official website or an online travel agency. You must find availability and make the payment with Visa, MasterCard, American Express, etc. credit or debit cards. It is necessary to register the visitor’s personal data, such as: names, e-mail, passport or identity card number.

  • 10) What to bring to visit the Intipunku in Machu Picchu?

    If you visit the Intipunku in Machu Picchu it is recommended to bring sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, mosquito repellent, hiking shoes and a backpack with what you need as an extra change of clothes.

Advice from people who have been there

Machu Picchu

Aldair E.By: Aldair E.

“Difficult but worthwhile route“

“The hike is not for everyone, you have to be physically fit and have a lot of desire to reach the goal. On day two you reach the Salkantay pass and the views are spectacular, then everything is green until you reach Machu Picchu. I recommend it 100%.“


By Ticket Machu Picchu – Last updated, August 16, 2024