Train Machu Picchu 24 articles
Dual bus and train services to Machu Picchu
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Bus to Ollantaytambo and train to Machu Picchu in only one service

Machu Picchu is one of the most incredible destinations in the world. To get there you will have to board a bus from the city of Cusco to the train station in Ollantaytambo. Then you must take the train to the final station Aguas Calientes. If you do not want to take the time to organize the trip, know that you can hire this transfer in a single ‘bimodal’ service.

The bimodal service starts in the city of Cusco with a bus trip. Then a transfer is made at the Ollantaytambo train station. Finally, the trip is made by train to Machu Picchu town. Everything is included in a single service!

How to go to Machu Picchu?

  • Machu Picchu is located more than 100 kilometers away from the city of Cusco .
  • To get there you must take one of the public transports that lead to the Ollantaytambo station. The trip takes approximately 1 hour 45 minutes.
  • At the Ollantaytambo station you must board the train that will take you to the final station of Aguas Calientes. This trip also takes approximately 1 hour 45 minutes.
  • Once in the town of Aguas Calientes you must board one of the ecological buses that will transport you to the entrance door of Machu Picchu. This trip lasts approximately 30 minutes.
  • The return trip from Machu Picchu to the city of Cusco takes the same route as the outward journey .

Bus trip from Cusco to Ollantaytambo

Train trip from Ollantaytambo to Machu Picchu

  • The train station is located on the avenue Ferrocarril del Ollantaytambo. Public transport usually takes passengers to the same train station .
  • Tourists must board the train station 30 minutes before the train leaves. If the visitor loses the trip, he cannot claim money back.
  • There are various train services that offer different experiences. Visitors should choose the one that suits them best. It is recommended that the purchase of the train ticket be made online.
  • The price of the train ticket depends on the type of service you chose. The trip lasts approximately 1 hour 45 minutes.

What is the ‘bimodal’ service to Machu Picchu?

  • The ‘Bimodal’ service links the trip by bus and train into one service.
  • It is a comprehensive offer that makes it easier for tourists to organize the trip to Machu Picchu .
  • Peru Rail and Inca Rail train companies are responsible for organizing the ‘Bimodal’ service. The trip starts in Cusco (one way trip) and ends in the same city (for the return trip).
  • Peru Rail offers the ‘Bimodal’ service from January 1 to April 30. Inca Rail offers its ‘Bimodal’ service throughout the year .
  • The cost of the ‘Bimodal’ service depends on the type of train you choose.
Bus service to Ollnataytambo and train to Machu Picchu
The new dual service allows you to book the bus to Ollantaytambo and the train to Machu Picchu town

Peru Rail ‘bimodal’ service hours

  • Peru Rail’s bimodal service operates every year from January 1 to April 30.
  • Expedition and Vistadome train services depart from Cusco (at Wanchaq station) and make the train transfer at Ollantaytambo station.
  • The Hiram Bingham luxury service departs from Cusco (at Wanchaq station) and transfers trains at the Belmond Río Sagrado hotel in Urubamba (Sacred Valley of the Incas).
Bimodal ServiceDeparture timeCheck In
Expedition train5.50 am9.54 am
Vistadome train6.30 am10.52 am
Vistadome train7.50 am12.11 pm
Expedition train3.20 pm7.30 pm
Vistadome train4.43 pm8.55 pm
Vistadome train5.23 pm9.30 pm
Hiram Bingham train7.20 am12.24 pm
Hiram Bingham train5.50 pm10.10 pm

* Departure in the city of Cusco. Arrival at Aguas Calientes station.

Inca Rail ‘bimodal’ service hours

  • The Inca Rail bimodal service operates all year.
  • All buses depart from Avenida El Sol 843, in the Historic Center of the city of Cusco. The transfer of train is done in the private parking of Inca Rail, in Ollantaytambo.
  • Inca Rail offers the trip ‘Bimodal’ only for the train services ‘The 360º’ and ‘The Voyager’ .
Bimodal ServiceDeparture timeCheck In
360º Bimodal train9.10 am1.06 pm
360º Bimodal train10.16 am2 pm
Voyager Bimodal train4.10 am8.01 am
Voyager Bimodal train8.40 am12.41 pm
Voyager Bimodal train4.15 pm9.09 pm

* Departure in the city of Cusco. Arrival at Aguas Calientes station.

Why choose bimodal service?

  • The ‘bimodal’ service schedules are perfectly coordinated so that all tourists will arrive in time at Ollantaytambo station.
  • The ‘bimodal’ service makes it easy for tourists to organize the trip to Machu Picchu .
  • All trains are tourist services that have comfortable seats, large windows, service on board, snacks, drinks and, in some cases, gourmet lunch, live show and even the entrance to Machu Picchu.
  • The bimodal service buses are wide, comfortable and safe. Travel directly from Cusco to the Ollantaytambo train station. It only transports tourists.

When is the bimodal train service available?
Peru Rail – From January 1 to April 30.
Inca Rail – Every day of the year.

Questions and answers about the bimodal service to Machu Picchu

  • a. How much does the bimodal service to Machu Picchu cost?

    Bimodal service prices depend on the type of train to choose. These are the approximate prices:

Peru RailPrice in dollarsPrice in Peruvian soles
Bimodal Expedition68 USD231 S /.
Vistadome Bimodal86 USD292 S /.
Hiram Bingham Bimodal450 USD1529 S /.
Inca RailPrice in dollarsPrice in Peruvian soles
The Voyager Bimodal70 USD238 S /.
The 360º Bimodal94 USD320 S /.
  • b. How to buy the bimodal service?

    The bimodal service is purchased through the websites of Peru Rail or Inca Rail . It can also be purchased at the authorized offices of these companies in Cusco, Peru.

  • c. Is there an age limit for bimodal service?

    No. All tourists can travel in the bimodal service. Children (under 12 years old) have special discounts.

  • d. Where do buses board in the bimodal service?

    Peru Rail buses are boarded at Wanchaq station (5 minutes from the Historic Center of Cusco). Inca Rail buses are boarded at 843 El Sol Avenue, one of the main roads of the city.

  • e. How long is the trip in total?

    The bus + train trip from Cusco to Aguas Calientes in bimodal service lasts approximately 4 hours.

  • f. What happens if I lose the bus departure?

    The bus has an exact departure time from the city of Cusco. In case of losing the bus departure, there is no right to money back. However, it is still possible to take a collective taxi and arrive at Ollantaytambo station on your own.

  • g. How long before arriving at the bus exit?

    It is recommended to arrive at the bus departure point 20 minutes in advance.

Vistadome train to Machu Picchu
The Vistadome train to Machu Picchu offers you a spectacular panoramic view of the entire route

Advice from people who have been there

Machu Picchu

Gerard MBy: Gerard M

“Definitely deserves the title of marvel“

“There is no camera or image that can capture all the majesty of this place. I suggest going up as early as possible. It's an hour's walk from the village to the entrance to the national park, but once there, you'll know it was worth it. The train ride is wonderful, but the Inca city is indescribably definitely worth the world title of wonder.“


By Ticket Machu Picchu – Last updated, December 11, 2019