Weather 20 articles
Climate and weather Lares
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Climate and weather forecast in Lares

The district of Lares is located north of the city of Cusco, 149 kilometers away (2 hours and 40 minutes by road). It belongs to the province of Calca. It is famous for its thermal-medicinal baths, Mantto waterfalls and trekking trails. It is located at 3150 meters above sea level. This district is located in a valley surrounded by snow-capped mountains like Abra de Lares (4460 m.a.s.l.) where the climate is very cold. In the valley, on the other hand, the climate is temperate with cold nights. Lares has two distinct seasons during the year. The rainy season (October to March) is characterized by abundant rainfall. The maximum temperature during this part of the year reaches 20° C (68° F). The minimum reaches 5° C. In the dry season (from March to October) the maximum temperature reaches 21° C and the minimum 1° C. Rains and cold weather occur throughout the year, especially in the highlands of Lares.

How is the weather in Lares?

Perú, Lares

Salida del sol

Entrada del sol
Data of the moon
  • Direction of the wind
  • Wind speed
  • Wind degrees
  • Humidity relative
  • UV index

Perú, Lares

Hourly Forecast chart (Temperature)

Hourly Forecast chart (Chance of Rain, Cloudiness)

  • level clouds
  • Chance of Rain

prediction table by hours (speed and direction of the wind)

Perú, Lares

  • Direction of the wind :
  • Wind speed :
  • Wind degrees :
  • Humidity relative :
  • Chance of Rain :

  • Direction of the wind :
  • Wind speed :
  • Wind degrees :
  • Humidity relative :
  • Chance of Rain :

  • Direction of the wind :
  • Wind speed :
  • Wind degrees :
  • Humidity relative :
  • Chance of Rain :

Perú, Lares

Chance of Rain

  • Direction of the wind
  • Wind speed
  • Wind degrees
  • Humidity relative

Perú, Lares

DayDescriptionMax./MinChance of RainHumidityDirection of the windWind speed