Climate and weather forecast in Maras
The town of Maras is located west of Cusco, 41 kilometers away. It belongs to the province of Urubamba. It is famous for hosting up to 3 thousand natural salt wells, known as the salt mines of Maras. It is at an altitude of 3028 meters above sea level. This small town is located in a plain surrounded by snow-capped mountains that create a dry temperate environment with plenty of rainfall. It has two seasons during the year. The first is the rainy season (from October to March) which is characterized by abundant rainfall. The maximum temperature in this season reaches 20 ° C during the day, while during the nights it reaches 7 ° C. In the dry season (April to September), the temperature reaches 21°C during the day and 1°C at night. It is at this time of the year when the sky is clearer. However, rains can occur every day.
How is the weather in Maras?
Perú, Maras
Salida del sol
Entrada del sol
- Direction of the wind
- Wind speed
- Wind degrees
- Humidity relative
- UV index
Perú, Maras
Hourly Forecast chart (Temperature)
Hourly Forecast chart (Chance of Rain, Cloudiness)
- level clouds
- Chance of Rain
prediction table by hours (speed and direction of the wind)
Perú, Maras
- Direction of the wind :
- Wind speed :
- Wind degrees :
- Humidity relative :
- Chance of Rain :
- Direction of the wind :
- Wind speed :
- Wind degrees :
- Humidity relative :
- Chance of Rain :
- Direction of the wind :
- Wind speed :
- Wind degrees :
- Humidity relative :
- Chance of Rain :
Perú, Maras
Chance of Rain
- Direction of the wind
- Wind speed
- Wind degrees
- Humidity relative
Perú, Maras
Day | Description | Max./Min | Chance of Rain | Humidity | Direction of the wind | Wind speed |