Climate and weather forecast in Chinchero
Chinchero is one of the most striking towns in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, flanked by the snow-capped mountains Salkantay, Veronica and Soray, next to the lagoons of Piuray and Huaypo and is located at 3754 meters above sea level, all these factors make it have a very peculiar climate and has made it known as “the land of rainbows”. The climate of Chinchero is semi-dry and temperate with an average temperature of 9.5°C (48°F). During the year there are two seasons: in the summer (October-March) the rains are abundant and constant, with temperatures that vary between 3° and 18°C, during the winter (April to September) the rains stop and the cold is accentuated at night reaching levels below zero, but during the day the sky turns blue and clear with temperatures that reach 17°C.
How is the weather in Chinchero?
Perú, Chinchero
Salida del sol
Entrada del sol
- Direction of the wind
- Wind speed
- Wind degrees
- Humidity relative
- UV index
Perú, Chinchero
Hourly Forecast chart (Temperature)
Hourly Forecast chart (Chance of Rain, Cloudiness)
- level clouds
- Chance of Rain
prediction table by hours (speed and direction of the wind)
Perú, Chinchero
- Direction of the wind :
- Wind speed :
- Wind degrees :
- Humidity relative :
- Chance of Rain :
- Direction of the wind :
- Wind speed :
- Wind degrees :
- Humidity relative :
- Chance of Rain :
- Direction of the wind :
- Wind speed :
- Wind degrees :
- Humidity relative :
- Chance of Rain :
Perú, Chinchero
Chance of Rain
- Direction of the wind
- Wind speed
- Wind degrees
- Humidity relative
Perú, Chinchero
Day | Description | Max./Min | Chance of Rain | Humidity | Direction of the wind | Wind speed |