Huayna Picchu 45 articles
What not to do in Huayna Picchu?
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Huayna Picchu: 8 things you should never do

Huayna Picchu, the mountain that crowns the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, is one of the most spectacular attractions that Cusco and Peru have to offer. Its steep, vertiginous paths are difficult to climb, but once at the top the incredible view makes the effort worthwhile. However, it is not easy to get a ticket to Waynapicchu. Nor easy to climb their paths. Here are some caveats when deciding to climb the ‘Wayna’.

Huayna Picchu what I shouldn't do
These are some of the things you should not do during your visit to the Huayna Picchu mountain

The entrance to the Huayna Picchu mountain follows circuit 4, which allows you to visit Inca constructions of Machu Picchu such as: the Sacred Rock, the Temple of the Sun, the Inka Palace, the Temple of the Condor and the Water Fountains. Unfortunately, at present this ticket does not allow you to visit the Guardian’s House and get there the classic photos of the Inca citadel. In addition, access to the Temple of the Moon (the Great Cavern) is closed until further notice. The round trip to the top of Huayna Picchu takes 2 hours or more.

1. Do not reserve your ticket with little time in advance.

  • Only 200 people can enter Huayna Picchu daily.
  • This occasions that few are the lucky ones who manage to climb the paths of the Waynapicchu.
  • That is why the main mistake of someone who wants to know this incredible place is not to book their ticket in advance.
  • It is recommended to do it 3 months in advance. However, in high season (April to October) it is advisable to do it up to 4 months before.

These are the entry times to Huayna Picchu:

  • Group 1: The entry to Machupicchu is from 07:00 am to 08:00 am / The entry to Huaynapicchu is from 08:00 am to 09:00 am
  • Group 2: The entry to Machupicchu is from 08:00 am to 09:00 am / The entry to Huaynapicchu is from 09:00 am to 10:00 am
  • Group 3: The entry to Machupicchu is from 09:00 am to 10:00 am / The entry to Huaynapicchu is from 10:00 am to 11:00 am
  • Group 4: The entry to Machupicchu is from 10:00 am to 11:00 am / The entry to Huaynapicchu is from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

2. Do not arrive late at the entrance gate.

  • The Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu tickets allow entry to Huayna Picchu but also provide entry to the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu.
  • There are four income groups. All allow you to enter Machu Picchu and take a two-hour tour before accessing the Huayna Picchu mountain.
  • The best way to enjoy everything Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu has to offer is to arrive on time.
  • For example, the first schedule allows access to Machu Picchu from 7 am. Then you must journey for almost 2 hours to reach the entrance gate of Huayna Picchu a little before 9 am (the entrance is from 8 to 9 am). Then you must make the tour of Huayna Picchu 2 hours 30 minutes approximately.
  • Arriving late prevents you from having enough time to get to know all the attractions of the site.
Tourists at the entrance to Huayna Picchu Mountain
Entry gate to the mountain Huayna Picchu

3. Do not climb Huayna Picchu if you are afraid of heights.

  • Only people over 12 years old can climb Huayna Picchu.
  • However, it is not advisable to climb the steep paths of Waynapicchu if you suffer from vertigo.
  • The abysses that surround the narrow stairs of this place are a scene of terror for visitors who suffer from fear of heights.
  • It is rare but there are cases of some tourists who preferred not to continue the tour when observing the abysses of the ‘Wayna’.

4. Do not underestimate the mountain

  • If you’re not afraid of heights, don’t be either. Even the most experienced mountain climber knows that all mountains must be respected, no matter how safe they seem.
  • The Huayna Picchu has very safe trails if you follow the signposted path. However, it is not advisable to underestimate the roads and, much less, take unauthorized detours.
  • In the rainy season (from November to April), they get wet so you should be careful.
  • During the tour, there is a place called “the stairs of death”. But the name does not mean that there have been accidents. No one has died on that journey.
  • Overall the road is super safe. Older adults should check with their doctor if their heart is healthy enough to complete this hike.

5. Do not cross the security cordons

  • The paths that climb the Huayna Picchu mountain are separated from the abysses by security cordons.
  • Also, all trails are very well marked. If you follow its paths it is necessary not to cross the security divisions or seek a path on your own.
  • The Waynapicchu is located next to huge canyons that end hundreds of meters down in the Vilcanota River.
  • Some tourists risk their lives by breaking through security cordons to take selfies near the ravines. The Huayna Picchu park rangers are authorized to call attention to visitors who do this.
Tourists hiking the mountain Huayna Picchu
Remember not to underestimate the Huayna Picchu mountain trails

6. Do not forget your camera

  • The top of Huayna Picchu is located at 2720 msnm This height is at almost 300 meters above the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu.
  • That’s why the view from the highest point is fascinating. The best photos of the Wonder of the World can be taken from the highest point. Another less dizzying option to take a good photo is to tour Machu Picchu Mountain.

7. Do not forget to visit the Temple of the Moon (currently closed)

  • The Temple of the Moon is a natural construction made of stone within a cave whose end is not defined by archaeologists. It is also known as ‘The Great Cavern’.
  • This temple can only be reached by climbing the steep paths of the Huayna Picchu mountain. It is reached through a marked detour from the top of the mountain.
  • Another option is to follow the longer trail behind the mountain at a fork in the same trail.
  • On special occasions access to the Temple of the Moon is closed due to heavy rains. However, most of the time its access is open. Don’t forget to get to know this fascinating place if you climb the ‘Wayna’.

8. Don’t break the rules in Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu.

Huayna Picchu receives 200 tourists every day, so there are some rules to follow in order to guarantee the safety of all visitors:

  • You may not carry backpacks weighing more than 5 kilos.
  • You may not carry metal-tipped batons (rubber-tipped only).
  • You can’t smoke.
  • You may not throw food waste into the compound.
  • Do not disturb the local flora and fauna.
  • Do not disturb the order or tranquility of other visitors.
  • You cannot go through the security cordons.
  • You may not make professional recordings without the respective permission.
  • You may not use drones or selfie sticks.
  • You cannot enter under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • You may not bring advertising material of any kind.
Tourists taking pictures at the top of Huayna Picchu Mountain
You can get the best photographs from the top of Huayna Picchu

Advice from people who have been there

Huayna Picchu

Emilia Ch.By: Emilia Ch.

“The best view of Machu Picchu is from Wayna Picchu“

“We went up in the first group at 7:30 a.m. It was a good choice, as the temperature was ideal. We suffered a bit from the heat and humidity, but I think if we went up later it would have been worse. It is a demanding climb. It is tiring, since which is a steep mountain and sometimes the footprint of the steps is very small. When you reach the top, the view is a sight.“


By Ticket Machu Picchu – Last updated, April 17, 2024