Inca Trail 17 articles
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Inca Trail to Machu Picchu among the top 5 hiking trails in the world

Thousands of years have passed since men began their sedentary life and decided to settle in one place, and only leave when they feel bored of what they decided is their place; but that nomadic feeling inherent in our species, makes us look for new places to walk, that same feeling has made people travel every corner of the planet and there is “almost nothing” to explore or map. But when it seems that we no longer have to walk. Expert travelers, hikers, adventurers, or people who simply decided one day to visit the best places in the world, show us that there are places that we should not miss in life. Beautiful trails where you can marvel at nature and in some cases, with constructions of ancient cultures. Here we will show you “the 5 best hiking trails on the planet”; people from all over the world travel hundreds of kilometers and in some cases, half the world, to walk them.

The Inca Trail among the best hiking trails in the world
The Inca Trail among the best hiking trails in the world

Top 5 hiking trails in the world

The leisurely pace of hiking is for many the best way to see the world. The routes that we will describe below demand a lot of effort and desire to reach the end of the trail. Many people talk about the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu as the best hike in the world, however, all of them will require some courage and effort but the end of any of them will make it all worthwhile. Any of these 5 trekking routes will give you the opportunity to see beautiful landscapes and in some cases impressive constructions of ancient cultures, in the middle of the most incredible natural environments that exist.

The Inca Trail, Peru

It is possible that the Inca Trail is the best hike in the world, and although there has never been a survey to determine it, it is enough to see the comments of thousands of people on the internet. When we talk about the Inca Trail, we are not only talking about a path in the middle of nature, we are talking about a path traced by the Incas more than 500 years ago, in perfect harmony with the natural environment in which it was built.

The Inca Trail runs for 39 kilometers that will take you through incredible mountain passes of the Andes Mountains, up to a cloud forest in the jungle brow of the Amazon; but on this trekking route you will not only see stunning mountains, turquoise lagoons, trails beside shocking cliffs and rushing rivers, but also some of the most amazing Inca and pre-Inca constructions. When you think you are too tired to go on you will reach the Sun Gate, and from there you will have your first view of the city sacred to the Incas and one of the world’s top destinations, but Machu Picchu has its own post. Did you know that you will have to reach the city of Cusco and walk through the beautiful Sacred Valley of the Incas to reach the start of the Inca Trail.

Everest Base Camp, Nepal

It is not a route for everyone, but those who dare and can resist the ascent to 5,545 meters will be able to show off their photo on Facebook at the highest base camp in the world, Kala Pattar. But as it is one of the best, it is also one of the most difficult, you will cross difficult and risky terrain between snowy valleys. It is likely that you will come across a Sherpa caravan, in some of the more than 20 days that the Everest trek lasts. The Sherpas are the ethnic group that inhabits these regions of Solu and Khumbu and those who will make it possible for you to climb Everest.

The landscape along the Inca Trail is beautiful and incomparable
The landscape along the Inca Trail is beautiful and incomparable

Dogon Country, Mali

The Dogon country is an African region in the nation of Mali, inhabited by “the Dogon”, one of the most interesting ethnic groups of the African continent. You will see the worldview of this people reflected in their masks, their dances, their totemic sculptures made of wood and in their extraordinary architecture, which you will not be able to see until you stand in front of it. The Dogon are mimicked in the cliffs of Bandiagara, to walk their lands requires a good physical condition. You will feel the adrenaline flowing through your body, because climbing is the only way to reach certain parts of the Dogon lands. But if you are one of those who want to travel the world a little at a time, you can opt for one of the short tours of 2 days, but if you really want to enjoy the land of the Dogon and the Dogon country, you can do the tour of 10 days.

GR20, Francia

With the more than breathtaking views of Corsica and the Mediterranean Sea in the background, the world-renowned GR20, is undoubtedly one of the most exciting hikes in the world but also one of the most difficult. Its trails cover more than 160 kilometers and it takes about 15 days to cross the beautiful forests, lakes and incredible geological formations; its beautiful geography will provide you with the best “lunar landscapes” you can take in the whole world, within its route you will have to overcome rocky areas, more than steep slopes in many places, but each elevation you overcome will be a delight for your eyes, with some of the most breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea and the coasts of Corsica.

Himalayas, India

The Himalayas is called the roof of the world; there are only 14 mountains that exceed 8,000 meters high and ten of them belong to the mountain system known as the Himalayas. It is the highest mountain range in the world and could not be missing among the best trekking routes; it is one of the most interesting destinations for people from all over the world, at least for those who believe they can make the journey through one of the most incredible mountain ranges that exist. The ideal trek starts in Spiti and ends in Ladakh, is known as Himachai Pradesh, lasts 24 days and follows the ancient trade routes used by the people who inhabited this region. People from all over the world have an obsession with these mountains, but this is not difficult to understand, just look at some pictures of these amazing mountains.

The Inca remains that can be seen along the Inca Trail route are impressive
The Inca remains that can be seen along the Inca Trail route are impressive

Advice from people who have been there

Inca Trail

Carola H.By: Carola H.


“We went through the Sacred Valley to Ollantaytambo, from there we boarded the train to kilometer 104, to undertake one of the most incredible experiences of our lives. On the way you can see Inca ruins in excellent condition, but the end is magical, maximum, delicious, the cherry on the mountain cake is given by the jewel of Machu Picchu.“


By Ticket Machu Picchu – Last updated, July 26, 2024