Huayna Picchu 45 articles
Reasons to go to Huayna Picchu
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Some of the many reasons to go up to Huayna Picchu

Huayna Picchu is, the rounded mountain that appears behind the typical print of Machu Picchu. And this should already be reason enough to want to visit it, in fact, the meaning of the name of the mountain, is “young mountain“, as opposed to his older sister, Machu Picchu or “old mountain”.

Another reason is the ascent through four hundred meters of stone, mud and vegetation, which will give you the possibility of having an intimate encounter with nature, and the vibration that it gives off along the whole route.

The Peruvian government restricted access to the mountain some years ago to avoid the deterioration of its fragile ecosystem. So we talk about a rather restricted destination, a restriction that will be more severe over time, coupled with the huge number of people who want to have this experience, will make your visit more complicated, so we recommend you book as soon as possible, Fortunately today, entering is not so difficult.

The difficulty

The level of difficulty can be mixed with the time it takes to climb, which will become a very interesting challenge, on roads that start with a rather low difficulty, the mud and rocks barely make the road difficult and everything seems easy peasy. It does not take long to walk to begin to appreciate the beauty of the tropical forest that surrounds this area, after some of the route, the road becomes winding and marshy, with wet stone walls which will have to climb, in some cases helped Of strings, or by hand, to ascend.

The whole environment seems to be computer-generated or in a Hollywood studio. You will feel strangeness, exacerbated by the morning fog that surrounds the ravines, with beautiful landscapes in any direction.

Huayna Picchu descent road
Huayna Picchu descent road

The base of the Wayna Picchu is more than 2500 meters high and the mountain itself has an ascent of about 300 meters. A high altitude causes the air to have less oxygen, which will produce a feeling of drunkenness when breathing the air Pure of the mountain, this added to the physical effort that supposes the ascent. It will give you a unique experience.

The observation deck

At the summit you will arrive at a kind of viewpoint, which will allow you to take superb views of the city of Machu Picchu, but the viewpoint is not the end of the route. Upstairs there are still things to discover, such as an Inca period house near another small gazebo with less people, and on the descent you can see the Temple of the Moon, seated in a natural cave.

The flora and fauna of the place are simply wonderful, with species that you will not see anywhere else in the world (endemic).

Huayna Picchu viewpoint
Huayna Picchu viewpoint

We assure you that every visitor finds new reasons, which make this mountain the favorite of many people who like adventure, and to enjoy unique places and experiences. We wait for you, for your own reasons. Book your Machu Picchu Tickets in advance, check availability.


Advice from people who have been there

Huayna Picchu

Tatty O.By: Tatty O.

“Huayna Picchu majestic“

“As you go up from Machu Picchu to Huayna Picchu, you can see the beautiful and special landscape, being surrounded by immense mountains. I have no words to describe this place, I am totally amazed Huayna Picchu.“


By Ticket Machu Picchu – Last Update, 06-12-2017