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Machu Picchu and Cusco in 4 days
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Visit Cusco and Machu Picchu in 4 days

Many travelers arrive in Cusco with the main objective of knowing Machu Picchu. However, in the ancient capital of the Inca empire there are many things to know, such as: the Sacred Valley of the Incas, the mountain of the 7 colors, the South Valley and more. Are 4 days enough to know all these attractions?

The best way to visit Cusco, Peru is with a 4-day trip. During your visit you will appreciate tourist attractions such as: Sacsayhuaman, Coricancha, Pisac, Urubamba, Ollantaytambo, Chinchero, the mountain of the 7 colors and, of course, the Inca city of Machu Picchu.

How long to visit Machu Picchu?

  • The trip to Machu Picchu can be done in a minimum of 2 days. This is because the Inca city is located almost 100 kilometers from the city of Cusco.
  • On day 1, the city of Cusco is reached and a City Tour is usually carried out that includes the archaeological sites of Coricancha and Sacsayhuaman.
  • On day 2 you visit Machu Picchu. The trip starts very early (4 am) and ends at night (9 pm). in the city of Cusco
  • The 2-day tour is not ideal since the climate of Cusco needs more acclimatization time. In addition, it is not enough time to visit the Sacred Valley of the Incas and the mountain of the 7 colors.
Contemplating Machu Picchu
A 4-day tour will allow you to know the main tourist places of Cusco and Machu Picchu

Can I visit Machu Picchu in 4 days?

  • A prudent time that will allow you to know Machu Picchu and many of the tourist places of Cusco and without such a hurry, is a 4 day trip. Most visitors choose to visit the Inca city in that period of time.
  • On a 4-day trip, in addition to Machu Picchu, the tourist can visit the tourist attractions of: Sacsayhuaman, Coricancha, Sacred Valley of the Incas (Pisac, Chinchero, Ollantaytambo) as well as Maras, Moray or the mountain of 7 colors.

Itinerary of the trip to Machu Picchu in Cusco, Peru

Here we offer you a travel itinerary that will guide you and that will allow you to visit many of the best known tourist destinations in Cusco. It is possible to make changes in the order of the times and places to visit.

First day: Cusco city

  • The advisable thing is that I arrived in the city of Cusco as early as possible. This is because the morning is more conducive to cope faster with the effects of height.
  • On your first day in Cusco you can eat something light. It is recommended to avoid fatty foods and alcoholic beverages.
  • In the afternoon you can make your visit in one of the many ‘City Tour’ that are offered in the streets of Cusco. A tour allows you to visit the main attractions of the city such as: the Cathedral, Plaza de Armas, Coricancha, Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pucapucara, Tambomachay and more.

Second day: the Sacred Valley of the Incas

  • On the second day it is recommended to make a ‘Full Day’ excursion throughout the Sacred Valley of the Incas.
  • During a normal tour of the Sacred Valley, you can visit charming places such as the town of Pisac, its archaeological site and its traditional craft market.
  • The tour continues through the fertile valleys of Calca and Urubamba to end in Ollantaytambo. Here you can visit its impressive archaeological site.
  • At the end of the visit you can sleep in Ollantaytambo or, if you prefer, you can take the train to go to Aguas Calientes.
  • Another option is to return to the city of Cusco and visit the town and archaeological site of Chinchero on the way.

Third day: Inca city of Machu Picchu

  • If you spend the night in Ollantaytambo you must board the train very early to the town of Aguas Calientes. From there you take the buses to climb Machu Picchu. The bus stop is near the train station.
  • Once in the Inca city you must take your time to enjoy the landscape and historical buildings. Your visit will last until noon or afternoon.
  • It is usual to take the train back to Ollantaytambo that same afternoon. From there you must take the mobility that will take you back to Cusco. So you can rest after an extraordinary day and get ready to take advantage of your last day in Cusco.

Fourth day: Mountain of the 7 Colors

  • Your last day will allow you to know other tourist places. Or, if you wish, learn more about the city of Cusco.
  • You can visit Maras, Moray, the South Valley of Cusco or, if you are more adventurous, you can visit the spectacular mountain of the 7 colors.
  • The best option is the mountain of 7 colors, one of the most popular tourist attractions in Cusco. Due to its high altitude, it takes at least 2 days of acclimatization before going there.
  • The 7 color mountain tour starts very early (6 am) and ends in the city of Cusco (7 pm). Like Machu Picchu it is an intense tour that takes almost all day.

What other places to visit in Cusco?

During the last day in Cusco, definitely the best option is to visit the mountain 7 colors. However, there are also other good options.

Maras and MorayThe salt mines of Maras and the Inca circular platforms of Moray are two of the most popular tourist attractions of the Sacred Valley of the Incas. The tour to these places lasts half a day. You can go by bicycle, ATV or with tourist transport.

South Valley of Cusco – The South Valley of Cusco is an area little visited by tourists. However, it includes places as spectacular as the Sacred Valley. The tour starts at the archaeological site of Tipón. Then visit the pre-Inca citadel of Piquillacta and the church of Andahuaylillas , known as the Sistine Chapel of America.

Humantay Lagoon – This beautiful lagoon is surrounded by the most amazing landscapes such as snow, mountains, fields and a clear sky. You get there with tourist transport and a small walk. The lagoon is located near the famous snowy Salkantay.

Inca Bridge of Q’eswachakaThe Q’eswachaka Bridge has its origins in the time of the Incas. The renewal ceremony is held every year through a tradition in which men and women from the rural communities that live there participate. Crossing the bridge is a unique adventure.


Advice from people who have been there

Machu Picchu

Anton GBy: Anton G

“Magical and beautiful places“

“Cusco is a beautiful city, there are many colonial churches, museums, restaurants... When I went to the Sacred Valley of the Incas I loved the villages of Pisac and Ollantaytambo, but these are just the appetizer for when you get to Machu Picchu, it leaves you breathless, is simply spectacular, for something is considered one of the 7 wonders of the world. You have to visit it even once in a lifetime.“



By Ticket Machu Picchu – Last updated, December 9, 2019