Book transportation to the train station


Benefits of transportation to the train station to Machu Picchu

  • Punctual, clean and safe service.
  • Modern and spacious vehicles.
  • Capacity from 4 to 18 suitcases depending on the vehicle.
  • Drivers trained to serve tourists.
  • Compliance with health protocols.
  • Easy, fast and secure reservation.

Learn more about the transport service to the train station.

IMPORTANT: After your reservation you will receive a confirmation email with details about your service. It is important to take the precautions of punctuality and confirm by e-mail details such as the name of your hotel (or airbnb) in Cusco as well as the schedule of your train or flight ticket. Enjoy your trip with punctuality and good organization! Know the approximate travel time to the stations and airport in Cusco.

Vehicle information

3 passenger vehicle
Illustrative Picture
3 passenger vehicle
3 seats
  • 3 large suitcases
  • 3 hand luggage
18 seat vehicle
Illustrative Picture
18 seat vehicle
18 seats
  • 18 large suitcases
  • 18 hand luggage